2024 Summer Book List – YA Edition

Hey there, book vagabonds!

Summer is here and so are the book lists! This is one of my favorite things to do each year. I have two books I read every summer as a tradition, but I also add so many to my summer TBR. I take some of those TBRs and put them in a three-part list! I love book recs so, I do a few of my own. Outside of my summer list, I typically do a spooky list in October with a fun book tag.

This year is no different. Starting out with YA, I have a list of books-some new, some old (never borrowed because I never get them back)-that I highly suggest. There’s a mixture of paranormal, fantasy, thriller, and friendship. Some seriously great ones or potentially great ones.

Take a scroll and don’t be afraid to add some of these to your TBR or add some to the list in the comments below!


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OOOOHHHHH! This one is already on my TBR this month. I’m so psyched! Ugh. And, I’m thinking I need a Lost Boys rewatch at some point. Right from the cover, this one is a whole vibe. A vibe I love.

In Nightfall, Oregon it’s not the dark you have to be afraid of-it’s the girls. Theo and Marco are new in town and staying with their grandmother. When Theo meets Minnow and her friends, she realizes her grandma wasn’t crazy about wanting her home before dark. These girls aren’t what they seem. And, they aren’t planning on letting Theo ever leave.

Penguin Random House

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I love GSM. She pulls some mystery in with a mist of supernatural in these places that nobody would voluntarily want to go because of the unspeakabkle spooky energy. But, it’s the pull that these places have that she dives into along with the memory and history of them.

Mount Orange, Florida is a paradise but is also famous for the murders of two best friends, Bailey and Celeste. The murders, one being of her own sister, hang over the town like a shadow, one that Tru wants to get out from under before going off to PSU. Then she meets Rio and the two can’t help but get embroiled in solving the cold case. They wonder if the killer is back in town as they get more involved.


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Wolff is keeping up with the schools for the supernaturally inclined. I’m not surprised. She’s got a niche for the hilariously unhinged and dramatic. So, this one caught my eye.

Calder Academy is a school for rogue paranormals. Here, the ones who break the rules or lose control take on a whole new aspect of learning. Jude Abernathy-Lee is the newest addition. When the power goes out on the isolated island, it’s everyone for themselves. The real nightmares come out to play. Jude must align herself with one evil to survive the rest.


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Preston always delivers something thrilling and curious A serious vibe of I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Senior pranks go too far for Marley and her friends. A drive down danger alley without headlights takes a deadly turn. A tragic accident bind her and her friends, threatening their futures.


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Now this one, I just discovered it’s been made into a series by BBC. It’s starring Emma Myers from Netflix’s Wednesday! How freaking cool! So, if you’re looking to pair somethign up with what appears to be an epic watch, do this one!

The murder-suicide of a popular high school senior couple still haunts Pip’s small town. Now a senior herself, Pip decided to reexamine the closed case as her final project. She soon discovers dark secrets that upend the whole case, but someone doesn’t want her to look into it. Her own life might be in danger.

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I read this one such a long time ago, but it was incredibly memorable. Two people come together almost like fate had plans for them they didn’t even know about.

Parker hasn’t spoken in five years. Zelda claims she’s been alive a lot longer than she looks. Together. they discover that life has a lot more things worth living for than they originally thought.

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Yes, this is a sad one. BUT! It’s also incredibly beautiful. There is no price on true friendship the emotions that come with it.

Jess has been practicing to become the fastest runner in his class. Yet, when he meets new girl, Leslie, that ceases to matter. The two become fast friends and even create a world in the woods behind Leslie’s house. When a tragedy occurs, grief becomes a monster to overcome.


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Yes, I fell into the hype. I caved. I read it. I became addicted. Violet Sorengail has some of the strongest “Fuck with me and find out” vibes that I’ve ever seen and proves that size isn’t everything.

Violet Sorengail enlists in the Rider Quadrant at Basgiath War College. To survive it, she’ll use every edge she’s got. Every day that passes is a day she’s survived and is that much closer to bonding to a dragon. And as the war beyond the borders rages, Violet suspects there are secrets that leadership is hiding.

Penguin Random Hosue

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A mysterious Edgar Allan Poe meets Haunting of Hill House? YES please!

In a manor by the sea, one sister is still cursed. Verity Thaumas dreams of a life far beyond the Salann shores, but remains at her family’s manor with her sister, Camille. When a Duchess seeks Verity out to paint a portrait of her son, Camille warns her against it. Though kept a secret for years, Camille comes clean with Verity about a secret: Verity still sees ghosts. Verity flees the manor in search of a life and she finds one that’s lush and vibrant but soon it turns nightmarish.


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Cue the good girl meets bad boy trope! With a dash of spooky forest nightmarish vibes.

Hemlock Falls isn’t like other towns. Phones don’t work, it doesn’t exist on any map, and the forest may just try to kill you. Winnie has only ever wanted to join the Luminaires, the protectors of the town. But ever since her father was called out as a traitor, her family has been shunned. Now, she has a chance to take the Luminary hunter trials which will wash all of that away if she succeeds. With the help of Jay, resident bad boy, she just might.

More to come soon…


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